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Welcome to the official website of Khulna Public College, Khulna. Khulna Public College is an autonomous institut ion established in 1987. Since its establishment, Khulna Public college is offering quality education in both secondary and higher secondary level. In its voyage to ensure a robust place in the academic arena of Bangladesh, Khulna Public College has taken a number of initiatives.
In order to have a grand step on the way towards celebrating the golden 50 years of independence, the government of the peoples’ republic of Bangladesh has taken the Digital Bangladesh program. Khulna Public College is also contributing its level best to have its glimpse on that journey. This website is such a step.
Digital Bangladesh is a mission and a vision as well. The prime criteria of Digital Bangladesh is to ensure information and communication technology for all. To facilitate this stream, Khulna Public College, as a strong companion of the vision is trying to digitize the total College activities including both academic and administrative as a pioneer in Khulna division of Bangladesh. The main motto is to move towards a solely digitized system where students may get service electronically for both regular academic activities and other supporting activities. Within the shortest possible time KPC will provide a querying system for the guardians whereby they will be able to contact with concerned personnel of KPC to get the accurate information about the progress or status of his son. From the next year it is expected to completely digitize the admission system of Khulna Public College. To bring dynamicity among the teachers, it is planned to provide them training regarding Digital Bangladesh. Whenever it will be possible to completely digitize the internal administration system of Khulna Public College, it will of no doubt open a new dimension and establish a milestone in the arena of education in Bangladesh.
Khulna Public College cordially welcomes all kinds of constructive suggestions and recommendations from any levels of people.
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Khulna Public College, Boyra, Khulna, BangladeshTel: 041- 761339, 041- 763692 E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 041 761339 (Principal)
041 763692(VP-Morning Shift)
041 761339(VP-Day Shift)
Fax: 041 761339
E-Mail [email protected]
[email protected]
Web: www.kpcbd.org


